Seqens | Event Partnership & Management

"I'd like to thank FACCNE for the support and backing we received in organizing a TECHDAY in Boston for the Seqens Group on March 14. This event was an exceptional opportunity to promote the Group's activities in Boston, a key location for the pharmaceutical industry worldwide. We're delighted with the outcome. The FACCNE  teams played a major role in the success of this event, providing us with logistical support and a solid local network.

Seqens is proud to be part of this great network and we are grateful to FACCNE for its commitment to promoting French companies in Boston. Thanks to its support, we have been able to strengthen our notoriety  and visibility in an ecosystem that is emblematic of global pharmaceutical activities.

We look forward to continuing our collaboration with this dynamic and committed organization in the future."

Candice du Chayla
Communication & Corporate sponsorship 

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